Over the last 500 years humans have gone from seeing a man in the moon to seeing a man on the moon. This phenomenal advance in collective learning has taken place thanks in large part to a group of strategies which have come to be referred to as The Scientific Method. If humankind has made so much progress by using the Scientific Method, then why not teach all our children to use it at an early age rather than waiting until high school or college to teach a few who are fast-tracked into science and technology careers. If we have made this much progress with a few humans using these strategies, then what will our collective learning curve look like if we are all trained to make science discoveries and/or to appreciate the discoveries of others?

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Potato Osmosis

SWBAT: Perform an experiment that answers the question:
How does salt water affect potato cells?

MATERIALS: For each 8 groups:

2 slices of potato
2 cups/containers
salt water solution
tap water
paper towel
sheet of drawing paper.

OPENING: Ask students to state their hypothesis: “If we place one slice of potato in salt water and one slice in tap water, then the potato slice in salt water will (shrink) (swell) (stay the same). I think this way because……

Demonstrate the following procedure. Ask students to take notes.

Trace one of the potatoes onto the sheet. Place the slice into salt water. Do the same for the tap water. Wait for at least 30 min. Take the potatoes out of the water and dry them. Trace the potatoes again. Compare the second drawings to the first.


Follow the directions that the teacher demonstrated.

Draw conclusion.
Apply the concept of osmosis to cells.

Homework: Write Lab Report

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!