Over the last 500 years humans have gone from seeing a man in the moon to seeing a man on the moon. This phenomenal advance in collective learning has taken place thanks in large part to a group of strategies which have come to be referred to as The Scientific Method. If humankind has made so much progress by using the Scientific Method, then why not teach all our children to use it at an early age rather than waiting until high school or college to teach a few who are fast-tracked into science and technology careers. If we have made this much progress with a few humans using these strategies, then what will our collective learning curve look like if we are all trained to make science discoveries and/or to appreciate the discoveries of others?

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Week of March 03, 2008

Lesson #1

SWBAT map the diffusion of vinegar molecules throughout the classroom


Use the ceiling tiles to establish a grid of the classroom. Have students write the coordinates of their locations on graph paper. Establish a way of counting time. (The teacher or a student counts of every five minutes). Discuss sources of error. (Some students might have colds)


The teacher or a student creates a "toxic spill" at an appointed location in the classroom.
Students write down the moment their nasal sensors pick up the smell of vinegar.
Students write down the times for each student in the group and find an average for their group


The teacher asks groups to report their average times, and writes them on a large graph at the front of the classroom. Students copy the times on their maps. The teacher shows students how to draw isolines on the map connecting similar times.


807 and 808 Concepts and Challenges in Earth Science p. 258 and 259. Read page 258. Copy and Answer Check and Apply quesitons on page 259

Lesson 2

SWBAT Review Living Environment Key Idea #1 "Living Things are both similar to and Different from each other and from nonliving things" --Performance Indicator Compare and Contrast th eparts of plants, animals and one-celled organisms.


Display and Review The Cell Theory:

1. Living things are composed of cells
2. Cells are the basic unit of structue and function of living things
3. All cells come from other cells.

Display and Review the Parts of Cells and their functions

1. cell membrane--surrounds the cell and controls what enters and leaves
2. cytoplasm area of the cell between the nucelus and membrane; watery material that contains organelles and makes up most of the cell.
3. nucleus iformation center for the cell; found in all cells; contains the chromosomes
4. chromosomes located in the nucelus; contan most of the genes of a cell which are composed of DNA, the cemical that directs heredity.
5. mitochondria site of cellular respirtion, where food is ued to produce energy
6. ribosome--assists in building proteins
7. cell wall--protects and supports some types of cells such as plant cell
8. vacuole -- storage for both nutgrients and wastes
9, lysosome--contains enszymes that break down protein
10. chloroplasts--contain chlorophy, a substance that can change light energy into chemical energy.

Distribute Multiple Choice questions based on Cell theory and Cell Function


Have students take the multiple choice test in group with Cell Theory and Cell Parts displayed.


Agree on correct answers.


Take multiple choice test individually without reference to Displays.


Write ten multiple choice questions and answers based on Cell Theory and Cell Parts.

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