OBJECTIVE: Students will read for information about the Constellation Pegasus for the purpose of writing a report of information about this constellation.
TIME NEEDED: one or two periods
Reading materials about the constellation Pegasus provided by the teacher
(365 Starry Nights)
Science Journal
Pen or pencil
1. Read or tell students the mythological story of the winged horse Pegasus.
2. Show them the constellation Pegasus.
3. Tell them that the Greeks called this group Pegasus. They named many other groups of stars or constellations after mythological beings: Aries, Pisces, Leo, etc. Do any of these names ring a bell?
4. Instruct students to use the reading materials to take notes for a report of information on the constellation Pegasus.
5. Assign “Things to Do, Questions to Answer” to get their notetaking started.
6. Have them ask and answer questions of their own.
Things to Do, Questions to Answer:
1. Copy the constellation of Pegasus shown on October 6 or 7
2. Name the stars “Enif, Markab, Scheat, and Algenib. What do these names mean?
3. What is the most easily recognized feature of the constellation Pegasus?
4. What is globular cluster M15 made of? How far away is it?
5. Ask other questions about this constellation. Find the answers on the internet or in the library.
Homework: Stargazing Report:Write a report of information about the Constellation Pegasus. Include drawings and/or pictures.
Over the last 500 years humans have gone from seeing a man in the moon to seeing a man on the moon. This phenomenal advance in collective learning has taken place thanks in large part to a group of strategies which have come to be referred to as The Scientific Method. If humankind has made so much progress by using the Scientific Method, then why not teach all our children to use it at an early age rather than waiting until high school or college to teach a few who are fast-tracked into science and technology careers. If we have made this much progress with a few humans using these strategies, then what will our collective learning curve look like if we are all trained to make science discoveries and/or to appreciate the discoveries of others?
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
TIME NEEDED: Several whole class periods and about five minutes at the beginning of ten class periods
Cloud Chart
Computer Access to Weather Data
1. Have students read for information about air pressure.
2. Present the problem: How does air pressure affect cloud cover?
3. Have students state their hypothesis: If air pressure increases, cloud cover will
(increase) (decrease) (stay the same). I think this way because
4. Elicit a table to organize information:
Date Time Air Pressure % Cloud Cover Type of Clouds
5. Over the next two weeks, have students measure the air pressure at the beginning of class and observe the clouds from the window.
6. Take students outside to observe cloud cover on several different days when different kinds of clouds are visible.
7. Have students observe clouds as they walk to and from school.
8. Show students how to find the barometric pressure on line from the closest weather center.
9. Have periodic class discussions to analyze the data.
10. After two weeks students analyze the data and draw a conclusion as to whether their original hypothesis is supported by the data.
11. Students write a Lab Report with the Following parts: Problem; Hypothesis; Materials: Procedure; Data Table and Analysis, Conclusion.
TIME NEEDED: Several whole class periods and about five minutes at the beginning of ten class periods
Cloud Chart
Computer Access to Weather Data
1. Have students read for information about air pressure.
2. Present the problem: How does air pressure affect cloud cover?
3. Have students state their hypothesis: If air pressure increases, cloud cover will
(increase) (decrease) (stay the same). I think this way because
4. Elicit a table to organize information:
Date Time Air Pressure % Cloud Cover Type of Clouds
5. Over the next two weeks, have students measure the air pressure at the beginning of class and observe the clouds from the window.
6. Take students outside to observe cloud cover on several different days when different kinds of clouds are visible.
7. Have students observe clouds as they walk to and from school.
8. Show students how to find the barometric pressure on line from the closest weather center.
9. Have periodic class discussions to analyze the data.
10. After two weeks students analyze the data and draw a conclusion as to whether their original hypothesis is supported by the data.
11. Students write a Lab Report with the Following parts: Problem; Hypothesis; Materials: Procedure; Data Table and Analysis, Conclusion.
Monday, October 15, 2007
TIME NEEDED : Two or three periods
Calendar of moonrise/moonset times
Graph paper
1. Hand out the calendar of monthly sunrise/sunset, moonrise/moonset times from www.sunrisesunset.com
2. Have students make a table with the following headings.
3. The times given in the calendar are in daylight savings time. Have students convert these times to Standard Time.
4. The times given in the calendar are according to a 12 hr. clock. Have students convert the times to a 24 hr. clock.
5. Have students join two pieces of graph paper together.
6. Label the y axis from 0 to 23 : HOURS OF THE DAY
7. Label the x axis from 1 to 31: DAYS OF THE MONTH
8. Make a bar graph for each day.
9. Make a horizontal line at the time of moonrise for each day. Label the line “R: and write the time.
10. Make a horizontal line at the time of moonset for each day. Label the line “S” and write the time.
11. Darken the bar between the times of moonset and moonrise.
12. On a separate piece of paper, write about the patterns you see in this graph.
13. Draw the new moon, first quarter moon, full moon, and thirdquarter moon at the time they are directly overhead
(at zenith).
14. Draw a waxing crescent and waxing gibbous moon at the time it is overhead.
15. Draw a waning crescent and waning gibbous moon at the time it is overhead.
TIME NEEDED : Two or three periods
Calendar of moonrise/moonset times
Graph paper
1. Hand out the calendar of monthly sunrise/sunset, moonrise/moonset times from www.sunrisesunset.com
2. Have students make a table with the following headings.
3. The times given in the calendar are in daylight savings time. Have students convert these times to Standard Time.
4. The times given in the calendar are according to a 12 hr. clock. Have students convert the times to a 24 hr. clock.
5. Have students join two pieces of graph paper together.
6. Label the y axis from 0 to 23 : HOURS OF THE DAY
7. Label the x axis from 1 to 31: DAYS OF THE MONTH
8. Make a bar graph for each day.
9. Make a horizontal line at the time of moonrise for each day. Label the line “R: and write the time.
10. Make a horizontal line at the time of moonset for each day. Label the line “S” and write the time.
11. Darken the bar between the times of moonset and moonrise.
12. On a separate piece of paper, write about the patterns you see in this graph.
13. Draw the new moon, first quarter moon, full moon, and thirdquarter moon at the time they are directly overhead
(at zenith).
14. Draw a waxing crescent and waxing gibbous moon at the time it is overhead.
15. Draw a waning crescent and waning gibbous moon at the time it is overhead.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Time: 1 or more periods
Materials: Textbooks, reference books, teacher generated materials, information researched by students etc.
1. Students choose one of the tasks that must be completed in order to get a badge.
2. Students work together with partners or groups to complete the task.
3. Students occasionally use the teacher as a consultant, but generally work on their own to complete the task.
NYS Standards for Lesson Plan 9
Standard 7—Interdisciplinary Problem Solving
Key Idea #2 Solving interdisciplinary problems involves a varity fo skills and strategies, including effective work habits; gathering and processing information; generating and analyzing ideas; realizing ideas; making connections among the common themes of mathematics, science and technology; and presenting results.
Time: 1 or more periods
Materials: Textbooks, reference books, teacher generated materials, information researched by students etc.
1. Students choose one of the tasks that must be completed in order to get a badge.
2. Students work together with partners or groups to complete the task.
3. Students occasionally use the teacher as a consultant, but generally work on their own to complete the task.
NYS Standards for Lesson Plan 9
Standard 7—Interdisciplinary Problem Solving
Key Idea #2 Solving interdisciplinary problems involves a varity fo skills and strategies, including effective work habits; gathering and processing information; generating and analyzing ideas; realizing ideas; making connections among the common themes of mathematics, science and technology; and presenting results.
Time: one or more periods
Materials: a textbook or library book, paper, pen or pencil
1. Assign students a certain number of pages in the book.
2. Ask them to work together with a partner to ask questions that can be answered by reading the pages.
3. Students should then answer the question they asked.
4. Give students a list of types of questions that scientists ask:
a. Measurement: How can we measure _______?
b. Observation: How can observe _________?
c. Parts: How can we break ________ down into parts?
d. Comparison/Contrast: How is ________ the same as or different from _________?
e. Classification: How can we classify _________?
f. Origin: Where does _____ come from?
g. Cause and Effect: What causes _______? How does _____ affect _____?
h. Change: How and why does __________ change?
i. Patterns: What patterns can be found in __________?
5. Give permission to students to ask other questions that interest them—even though they are “Lower Level” questions starting with Who, What, When, Where, How many, How much, Which.
6. Have students challenge others to answer the questions that they have created.
7. Have students use drawings or photographs to illustrate some of their questions and answers.
NYS Standards for Lesson # 8
Standard 4: The Physical Setting: 1.1a-1.1j.
Time: one or more periods
Materials: a textbook or library book, paper, pen or pencil
1. Assign students a certain number of pages in the book.
2. Ask them to work together with a partner to ask questions that can be answered by reading the pages.
3. Students should then answer the question they asked.
4. Give students a list of types of questions that scientists ask:
a. Measurement: How can we measure _______?
b. Observation: How can observe _________?
c. Parts: How can we break ________ down into parts?
d. Comparison/Contrast: How is ________ the same as or different from _________?
e. Classification: How can we classify _________?
f. Origin: Where does _____ come from?
g. Cause and Effect: What causes _______? How does _____ affect _____?
h. Change: How and why does __________ change?
i. Patterns: What patterns can be found in __________?
5. Give permission to students to ask other questions that interest them—even though they are “Lower Level” questions starting with Who, What, When, Where, How many, How much, Which.
6. Have students challenge others to answer the questions that they have created.
7. Have students use drawings or photographs to illustrate some of their questions and answers.
NYS Standards for Lesson # 8
Standard 4: The Physical Setting: 1.1a-1.1j.
Time Needed: One or two periods
Azimuth Chart
Nail or short pencil
1. Wait for a sunny day.
2. Take students outside. Caution them to never look directly at the sun.
3. Ask students if they know what direction the sun is coming from.
4. If they point in a vague direction, tell them that they have a very precise measuring instrument in their hands that can be used to find the answer to within 5 degrees.
5. Have students work in pairs to solve the problem: how to find the sun’s azimuth (without looking at the sun).
6. They should eventually come up with the solution: line up the azimuth chart with north, place a nail or pencil in the center of the azimuth chart, pinpoint the azimuth direction of the shadow, and then find the opposite azimuth point, which will be the direction of the sun.
7. Have students write the data in their journals.
NYS Standards for Lesson #7
Standard 1 Scientific Inquiry
Key Idea #2 : S2.1, S2.2,
Standard 4 Physical Setting
Key Idea #1 Explain daily, monthly, and seasonal changes on Earth
Standard 7 Common Themes
Key Idea #2 Models 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
Time Needed: One or two periods
Azimuth Chart
Nail or short pencil
1. Wait for a sunny day.
2. Take students outside. Caution them to never look directly at the sun.
3. Ask students if they know what direction the sun is coming from.
4. If they point in a vague direction, tell them that they have a very precise measuring instrument in their hands that can be used to find the answer to within 5 degrees.
5. Have students work in pairs to solve the problem: how to find the sun’s azimuth (without looking at the sun).
6. They should eventually come up with the solution: line up the azimuth chart with north, place a nail or pencil in the center of the azimuth chart, pinpoint the azimuth direction of the shadow, and then find the opposite azimuth point, which will be the direction of the sun.
7. Have students write the data in their journals.
NYS Standards for Lesson #7
Standard 1 Scientific Inquiry
Key Idea #2 : S2.1, S2.2,
Standard 4 Physical Setting
Key Idea #1 Explain daily, monthly, and seasonal changes on Earth
Standard 7 Common Themes
Key Idea #2 Models 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
Time Needed: One period
Azimuth Chart
1 Compass for every two students (degrees should be labeled)
1. Tell students to point in the direction of north.
2. Ask them how they can prove that they are correct.
3. Hand out the compasses.
4. Ask students to take out their azimuth charts.
5. How is the compass like the azimuth chart? How is it different?
6. Show students how to line up the compass needle with North.
7. Ask students if the compass can help them prove which direction is north. (Compasses don’t work near large metal objects. Therefore in most buildings, the compasses will give different readings depending on where the student is sitting, and where he/she holds the compass.)
8. Inform students that their readings are different because of the large amount of metal in the building.
9. Organize students into pairs, and take them out of the building.
10. Have students find north with respect to the school building.
11. Ask them to draw and label a compass rose (azimuth chart) in their journals and write the major neighborhood landmarks that can be found at 0, 90, 180, and 270 degrees.
NYS Standards
Physical Setting Skill #5 use a magnetic compass to find cardinal directions
Time Needed: One period
Azimuth Chart
1 Compass for every two students (degrees should be labeled)
1. Tell students to point in the direction of north.
2. Ask them how they can prove that they are correct.
3. Hand out the compasses.
4. Ask students to take out their azimuth charts.
5. How is the compass like the azimuth chart? How is it different?
6. Show students how to line up the compass needle with North.
7. Ask students if the compass can help them prove which direction is north. (Compasses don’t work near large metal objects. Therefore in most buildings, the compasses will give different readings depending on where the student is sitting, and where he/she holds the compass.)
8. Inform students that their readings are different because of the large amount of metal in the building.
9. Organize students into pairs, and take them out of the building.
10. Have students find north with respect to the school building.
11. Ask them to draw and label a compass rose (azimuth chart) in their journals and write the major neighborhood landmarks that can be found at 0, 90, 180, and 270 degrees.
NYS Standards
Physical Setting Skill #5 use a magnetic compass to find cardinal directions
Time Needed: One period
Materials: Protractor, pencil, paper
1. Make a dot in the middle of your paper.
2. Place the center mark of the protractor over the dot on the paper.
3. Mark the two zero points on either side.
4. Use the bottom edge of the protractor to draw a line that connects the two zero marks and the center.
5. Place the protractor so that it lines up with the center and zero marks.
6. Draw the hemisphere arc that connects the two zero points. Mark the 90 degree point.
7. Flip the protractor upside down.
8. Line up the center and the zero points.
9. Draw another hemisphere arc. Mark the 90 degree point.
10. Draw a line that connects the two 90 degree points and passes through the center.
11. Mark off every ten degrees between the zero marks and the 90 degree marks.
12. Label the four cardinal points: North, South East, West.
13. Label the Azimuth numbers for the cardinal points.
North – 0/360 degrees
East - 90 degrees
South – 180 degrees
West - 270 degrees
14. Label every ten degrees between the cardinal points.
NYS Standards
Scientific Inquiry: S1.1, S.1.2, S.1.3, S1.4
Physical Setting: P.S. 1.1e, 1.1g, 1.1h, 1.1i, 1.1j
Time Needed: One period
Materials: Protractor, pencil, paper
1. Make a dot in the middle of your paper.
2. Place the center mark of the protractor over the dot on the paper.
3. Mark the two zero points on either side.
4. Use the bottom edge of the protractor to draw a line that connects the two zero marks and the center.
5. Place the protractor so that it lines up with the center and zero marks.
6. Draw the hemisphere arc that connects the two zero points. Mark the 90 degree point.
7. Flip the protractor upside down.
8. Line up the center and the zero points.
9. Draw another hemisphere arc. Mark the 90 degree point.
10. Draw a line that connects the two 90 degree points and passes through the center.
11. Mark off every ten degrees between the zero marks and the 90 degree marks.
12. Label the four cardinal points: North, South East, West.
13. Label the Azimuth numbers for the cardinal points.
North – 0/360 degrees
East - 90 degrees
South – 180 degrees
West - 270 degrees
14. Label every ten degrees between the cardinal points.
NYS Standards
Scientific Inquiry: S1.1, S.1.2, S.1.3, S1.4
Physical Setting: P.S. 1.1e, 1.1g, 1.1h, 1.1i, 1.1j
Time Needed: two to three periods
1. graph of the times of moonrise/moonset for September 1 through September 17 (made by the teacher)
2. 1 leaf of 1 cm2 graph paper per student
3. data for moonrise/moonset for 9/1 through 9/17
1. Hand out the completed graph for 9/1 through 9/17.
2. Ask the students to analyze the graph for patterns. How are these patterns similar to or different from the graph that they made for 9/1 through 9/7?
3. Ask students to predict (extrapolate) the data for 9/18, 9/19, and 9/20.
4. Hand out the graph paper.
5. Ask students to work in pairs to complete the graph for 9/18 through 9/30.
6. After they have finished their graph, ask students to match it up to the teacher’s graph so that they can see the full thirty days of September all together.
7. Have students write an analysis of the pattern or patterns they see in the graphs.
NYS Science Standards for Lesson 4
Standard 1
Mathematical Analysis
Key Idea #2 M21a, M21b
Scientific Inquiry
Key Idea #1 S1.1, S1.2, S1.3 S1.4
Key Idea #3 S3.1, S3.2, S3.3
Standard 4 The Physical Setting
Key Idea #1 PS 1.1e-j
Time Needed: two to three periods
1. graph of the times of moonrise/moonset for September 1 through September 17 (made by the teacher)
2. 1 leaf of 1 cm2 graph paper per student
3. data for moonrise/moonset for 9/1 through 9/17
1. Hand out the completed graph for 9/1 through 9/17.
2. Ask the students to analyze the graph for patterns. How are these patterns similar to or different from the graph that they made for 9/1 through 9/7?
3. Ask students to predict (extrapolate) the data for 9/18, 9/19, and 9/20.
4. Hand out the graph paper.
5. Ask students to work in pairs to complete the graph for 9/18 through 9/30.
6. After they have finished their graph, ask students to match it up to the teacher’s graph so that they can see the full thirty days of September all together.
7. Have students write an analysis of the pattern or patterns they see in the graphs.
NYS Science Standards for Lesson 4
Standard 1
Mathematical Analysis
Key Idea #2 M21a, M21b
Scientific Inquiry
Key Idea #1 S1.1, S1.2, S1.3 S1.4
Key Idea #3 S3.1, S3.2, S3.3
Standard 4 The Physical Setting
Key Idea #1 PS 1.1e-j
Time Needed: One or two periods
Materials: Pictures of the changing phases of the moon for thirty consecutive days.
1. Hand out the pictures of the changing phases of the moon.
2. Elicit previous knowledge that students might have about the moon: Write the facts on the board.
3. Ask students to find the pattern in the changing areas of light and dark on the moon.
4. Ask students to describe the pattern. Write their descriptions on the chalkboard using their own words.
5. Introduce the vocabulary: new moon, first quarter, third quarter, full moon, crescent, gibbous, waxing, waning.
6. Ask students to write the description of the changing shapes of the moon in their journals using the new vocabulary.
Write the dates of the four main phases of the moon on the board:
a. Third Quarter: September 4
b. New: September 11
c. First Quarter: September 19
d. Full Moon (Harvest Moon): September 26
7. Have students label each of the main phases with the date of that phase.
8. Ask students to fill in the dates of the waning and waxing crescent and gibbous phases in between.
9. Ask students to predict the date of the third quarter after the Harvest Moon.
10. Ask students to write a rhyme or mnemonic device that will help them remember that the waxing moon is seen on the right and the waning moon is seen on the left.
1. State the difference between
a. waxing and waning
b. crescent moon and gibbous moon
c. full moon and new moon
d. 1st quarter and 3rd quarter
2. Show the difference in drawings.
3. How can we tell if a crescent moon is waxing or waning?
NYS Science Standards for Lesson Plan 3
Standard 1 Scientific Inquiry
Key Idea #1 S1.1, S1.2, S1.3 S1.4
Key Idea #3 S3.1, S3.2, S3.3
Standard 4 The Physical Setting
Key Idea #1 PS 1.1e-j
Time Needed: One or two periods
Materials: Pictures of the changing phases of the moon for thirty consecutive days.
1. Hand out the pictures of the changing phases of the moon.
2. Elicit previous knowledge that students might have about the moon: Write the facts on the board.
3. Ask students to find the pattern in the changing areas of light and dark on the moon.
4. Ask students to describe the pattern. Write their descriptions on the chalkboard using their own words.
5. Introduce the vocabulary: new moon, first quarter, third quarter, full moon, crescent, gibbous, waxing, waning.
6. Ask students to write the description of the changing shapes of the moon in their journals using the new vocabulary.
Write the dates of the four main phases of the moon on the board:
a. Third Quarter: September 4
b. New: September 11
c. First Quarter: September 19
d. Full Moon (Harvest Moon): September 26
7. Have students label each of the main phases with the date of that phase.
8. Ask students to fill in the dates of the waning and waxing crescent and gibbous phases in between.
9. Ask students to predict the date of the third quarter after the Harvest Moon.
10. Ask students to write a rhyme or mnemonic device that will help them remember that the waxing moon is seen on the right and the waning moon is seen on the left.
1. State the difference between
a. waxing and waning
b. crescent moon and gibbous moon
c. full moon and new moon
d. 1st quarter and 3rd quarter
2. Show the difference in drawings.
3. How can we tell if a crescent moon is waxing or waning?
NYS Science Standards for Lesson Plan 3
Standard 1 Scientific Inquiry
Key Idea #1 S1.1, S1.2, S1.3 S1.4
Key Idea #3 S3.1, S3.2, S3.3
Standard 4 The Physical Setting
Key Idea #1 PS 1.1e-j
lesson plans,
phases of the moon
What time does the sun rise and set? What time does the moon rise and set?
Most of us who live in urban areas can accurately tell you what time the sun rises and sets to within about an hour. However, many city dwellers have the misconception that the moon rises as the sun sets and the moon sets as the sun rises. Perhaps this is because buildings block the horizon and light pollution makes it difficult to see the moon and stars at night. Perhaps it is because we think of the moon as being the exact opposite of the sun. We are likely to notice the full moon as it rises at around six in the evening, but we rarely notice the moon rising in the middle of the morning or afternoon. The truth is that the moon rises and sets about 50 minutes later every day. This means that it rises and sets at all hours of the day and night.
In this activity, students will state their ideas about how the time of sunrise/sunset compare to the time of moonrise/moonset. Then, they will use secondary data to confirm or refute their hypothesis.
Time Needed: Two to three periods
Graph paper: 1 cm square
#2 pencil
1 table of data for times of sunrise/sunset for one week
1 table of data for times of moonrise/moonset for one week.
I. Sunrise/Sunset
1. Ask students to give the approximate time of sunrise/sunset. Write their ideas on the board.
2. Ask students to write a hypothesis about the times of sunrise and sunset in their science journals.
3. Hand out the table of one week of sunrise/sunset times. Ask students to find patterns in the times. As they share their ideas, write them on the board.
4. Ask students to compare the data to their hypothesis. How close was their hypothesis to the real times?
5. Have students write a short paragraph about whether the data confirms or does not confirm their hypothesis.
6. Discuss the 12-hour clock vs the 24-hour clock.
7. Model the 24 hour clock by writing hours 0 through 23 and matching them with 12 AM through 11PM times.
0 hrs = 12 am; 1 = 1 am 2 = 2 am
12 = 12 pm 13 = 1 pm 14 = 2 pm 23 = 11PM
8. Hand out graph paper.
9. Have students label the y axis from 0 hours to 23 hours.
10. Then ask them to label the same axis from 12 am to 11 pm.
11. Ask students to label the x axis with the dates of the week.
12. Demonstrate where to mark the hours, half hours, and quarter hours on the graph.
13. Demonstrate how to make a bar graph of the sunrise times by making a horizontal line across the bar, and labeling it “S”. It might also be useful to label the line with the exact time of sunrise.
14. Emphasize that sunrise is an exact time and does not represent more than one minute on the bar.
15. Have the students repeat #13 on their own with the times for sunset.
16. Ask students to shade in with their pencils the part of the bar in which the sun was not in the sky (before Rise and after Set).
17. Students should then make sure they have a title for their graph, that each axis is labeled, and that they have a key for “time in the sky” vs “time not in sky”.
18. Assign students to write an analysis of the pattern or patterns they see in the graph.
19. Repeat the procedure for #1-16 with moonrise/moonset times for the present week.
20. Have students write a comparison/contrast paragraph about the times of sunrise/sunset and the times of moonrise/moonset and the patterns they see in the graphs.
21. Have the students write a reflection on what they thought about sunrise/sunset before and what they think now. How have their ideas about the sun and moon changed?
Vocabulary: bar graph, x-axis, y-axis, 12-hour clock, 24 hour clock,
NYS Science Standards:
Standard 1 Analysis, Inquiry, and Design: Scientific Inquiry
Key Idea #1 S1.1, S1.2, S1.3 S1.4
Key Idea #3 S3.1, S3.2, S3.3
Standard 4 The Physical Setting
Key Idea #1 PS 1.1e-j
How many days are in a year? 365. How many degrees are in a circle? 360.
It is no accident that these numbers are very close. A year is the time it takes for the earth to make a complete orbit around the sun. Ancients tracked the sun throughout the year as it rose and set against the background of the stars. They calculated that it took 360 days for the sun to appear to make a complete circle with respect to the stars. Most ancient calendars were round. Today’s calendars are square and don’t show the relationship of the calendar to its origin. We are going to make a round calendar that will enable us to track our position as we move around the sun during this school year.
Time needed: two or three periods
Pencil & Paper
1. Make a dot in the middle of your paper.
2. Place the center mark of the protractor over the dot on the paper.
3. Mark the two zero points on either side.
4. Use the bottom edge of the protractor to draw a line that connects the two zero marks and the center.
5. Place the protractor so that it lines up with the center and zero marks.
6. Draw the hemisphere arc that connects the two zero points. Mark the 90 degree point.
7. Flip the protractor upside down.
8. Line up the center and the zero points.
9. Draw another hemisphere arc. Mark the 90 degree point.
10. Draw a line that connects the two 90 degree points and passes through the center.
11. Mark off every ten degrees between the zero marks and the 90 degree marks.
12. Label the equinoxes and the solstices:
September 23—Fall Equinox
December 22—Winter Solstice
March 20 – Spring Equinox
June 20 – Summer Solstice
13. Fill in the dates between the equinoxes and the solstices: One degree = one day. Start at the September Equinox. There are 360 degrees in a circle. There are 365 days in a year. (366 days in a leap year). That means that you will have to squeeze in more days at some point on the calendar. The best place to do this is around the June Solstice. ( We will find out why later in the year).14. Starting on the September solstice, make a blue circle on the calendar every ten days to show the position of the Earth with respect to the Sun.
1. Approximately how many days are between:
The Fall Equinox and the Winter Solstice?
The Fall Equinox and the Spring Equinox?
The Winter Solstice and the Summer Solstice?
2. What percent of the year does each season represent?
3. Approximately what percent of its orbit around the Sun will Earth travel between the Fall Equinox and the Winter Vacation?
4. Approximately what percent of its orbit around the Sun will Earth travel between the Fall Equinox and the date you graduate?
5. Measure the angle of the arc that Earth will transcribe in its orbit between the Fall Equinox and your birthday. Approximately how many degrees does the angle have? Is the angle acute or obtuse?
6. Ask and answer a question about Earth’s orbit around the sun that can be answered by looking at the calendar.
Vocabulary: Define the following words.
Equinox; Solstice; circle; center; hemisphere; arc; angle; degree; day; acute angle; obtuse
angle; orbit; protractor
Standard 4 The Physical Setting.
Key Idea #1 The Earth and celestial phenomena can be described by principles of relative motion and perspective. P.S. 1.1e-I
earth science,
intermediate school,
lesson plans
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